Painting Request #32

This is a test post created by submitting the Painting form. It was created on January 13, 2023 at 12:22 pm by E J.

Residential or Commercial: Commercial

Interior or Exterior: Both
If Interior, which rooms: Doors, Ceilings
If Doors, how many: {Q2.1 Number of Doors:56}
If Walls, how many: {Q2.1 Number of Walls:59}
If Ceilings, how many: {Q2.1 Number of Ceilings:58}
If Other, how many: {Q2.1 Number of Other Rooms:57}
If Exterior, which surfaces: Metal, PVC Siding
If Other:

Surface Conditions: Poor Condition (Major repairs needed)
If Other:

Client has own paint materials: No

Client Timeline: In the next few months

Additional Information:

Estimated cost of service: $ 183.00 CAD

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